Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Jack and Jill (New takes on Traditional literature blog due June 17th)

This book is my alternative format. This book is an ebook.  I really enjoyed reading a book online. The unique feature about this book is that you could choose a particular age level and the reading level depended on what age level you chose.

APA Citation:  Jendrich, J. (2009). Jack and Jill. Retrieved from

Discussion Questions:  After the children were able to play in the water, every thing they did used water. Discuss some of the things that could happen when a person uses too much water.

The plumber had to lay pipe from the neighboring kingdom so that the royal family could have water. Once they had water, they constructed a water park. On a piece of paper, design your own water park and explain what you would have in your water park.

Summary:  This story is definetly a new twist on an old story. The story tells about a kingdom that had no water pipes so the King had a plumber put pipes into the royal castle. His children, Jack and Jill, had so much fun with water that the King built them a water park with rides and fountains. This was really great until the King got the first water bill. He turned off the water and started making his children go get water from the well with buckets, sound familiar?

Read Alike:  If you liked this story, you can log onto the website and read other stories similar to this one. Some of the stories on the site include Itsy Bitsy Spider, Little Boy Blue and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. 

Author Website: 


  1. This sounds like a fun book the children will love. I think it is funny how the King didn't realize how costly the fun might be! Thank you for the interesting resource to get e-books.

  2. Rhonda thanks for sharing this book! I like that the book incorporates technology as well as different reading levels. I also like the new story line the author gave to an old and familiar nursery rhyme. It would be a cute idea to have the students make up their own story line to a nursery rhyme to give it a new twist!
