Mrs. Lizzy is Dizzy! by Dan Gutman (Series Book from My Weird School Daze Series).
APA Citation: Gutman, D. (2010), Mrs. Lizzy is dizzy. New York, NY: HarperCollins Children's Books.
Summary: This book is a combination of humor and learning. How crazy would it be to have a lesson during recess? That is what these students encounter. Their recess enrichment program gives them an opportunity to learn things that they wouldn't learn in the regular classroom. Even thought their recess enrichment teacher ends up being the person that escaped from the loony bin earlier in the week, they realize that though it sounded crazy, these were things that they could use in their lives.
Discussion Questions:
Throughout the book there are many instances of what is called "a play on words". For instance, the name of the school is Ella Mentry School. Often schools are named after people but this is not a real person. Find other instances in the book where there is a "play on words". Discuss what you think they are really meaning.
Find an instance in the book where Mrs. Dizzy teaches the students about something that is good for the environment. Research what Mrs. Dizzy is trying to get through to the students with the worms. Write down the process that happens when a person does this activity.
Read Alike: This book is actually book #9 in a series called "My weird school daze". The other books in the series include:
Mrs. Dole is out or control!
Mr. Sunny is funny!
Mr. Granite is from another planet!
Coach Hyatt is a riot!
Officer Spence makes no sense!
Mrs. Jafee is Daffy!
Dr. Brad has gone mad!
Miss Laney is Zany!
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